Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ancient Egypt

Today in class we were there for mods 2-3 which is the longest class of the day, and longest West Civ. class of the week so it can sometimes be difficult to pay attention. So in class we talked about ancient Egypt and how amazing and advanced of a society they had created there to be able to make pyramids that are still standing to this day going through over 4,000 years of decaying, natural disasters, rain, and even attacks in some different cases! It is amazing to witness how smart they were

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

LO-3 Land Of the Pharachs: Egypt

  • Neolithic Age, people of Nile had moved toward civilization with same influences of the cities of Sumer, but Egypt was more stable then Mesopotamia
  • Political and section conflicts didn't break unity and invasions were not common in the area
  • Occasional troubles provided an invigorating challenge.
  • Cultural influences were welcomed or close to them which was the decision of the ones able to live.
  • In fact they were so strong that even in the last 1,000 years of their civilization they had strong unity
Nile and the "Two Lands"

  • Country is divided into 2 parts known as Two Lands, Upper Egypt is strip of fertile land, 500 miles in length and averagin 12 miles in width, stresches alongside river. Lower is fan shaped patter of waterways also known as deltas, formed byNile in last nudred miles

Thursday, January 24, 2013

In Class

Today we had our long class which was mods 2-3 so it could get boring sometimes and you can zone out, but since we got that break in the middle between the mods I had a little refresher and could stay focused for the entire thing. Today our class was focused on watching the video of John Green. He was a very interesting guy and it was really cool how he made the video interesting so the people who were viewing it would pay attention to what he was saying. The information would really sink in to what he was saying like I can recall what he was saying. The way he explained on how advanced and how crazy it has really gotten to making a cheeseburger from making everything that went into it was started off by making it all by hand. It was also cool talking about how they mistreated cows and other animals just for the pleasant taste and cheap cost. It was cool to sit next to Carly and see her cry a little because it was interesting. It was an interesting conversation in class today.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stone Age

Today in class I was asked if I was late to school in the begginning of the day because Mr. Schick noticed when he was doing attendence. He was correct unfortunulately this morning I slept in and I accidneltely out my alaram on pm instead of am. In class we talked about how much the world has changed in all sorts of ways. The way that the world has changed in a dramatic way, the worlds gone ahead in amazing fashion and it is remarkable thinking of how different the poeple are living. We were discusiing on how different we think the world will be later and Mr. Schick was wondering what we thought would happen, such as when were older people or as he would say "when I was younger" that the iPhone would be something that they would think ew what is that old thing so big and bulky, even though right now we think its an amazing creation and great and are impressed by how itny and small it is. He said that we would be astonished at what's gonna happen to the world development.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

Learning about Jared Diamond, his background as a guy and his theory has been interesting to say the least. He has had many hobbies and he proves to be a very intelligent man, going against something he says or saying he is wrong would probably be a difficult task to do. Reading the pages from 6-11 and also going over the movie we watched in school, with the discussions we had about him, I have come to a personal conclusion that he is correct and on point with his theory. Personally I believe that everyone was created equally no matter where you came from, what you look like, or what color you are. I have read the text book information thoroughly and understand it to a fair degree to come to the conclusion that the book is with agreement with the Jared Diamond theory. It also all makes sense to me after critically thinking about it on how it is based upon where a civilization was placed and made depended upon how advanced you could go. Just think about it, the areas with the best living conditions and best natural resources prospered the most and the ones with not so much are behind or were behind. Also in the book it states all the areas that were prosperous in early civilization and they all had their natural resources in common and the ones that didn't had the thing in common in which they had not very applicable resources. I have no reason to disagree with Jared Diamonds theory, I do understand that it is a very controversial area to be in and talking about, but Dr. Diamond has just provided too many facts and proof that his theory is correct, it was all luck if you were born upon a great resourceful area you were going to be advanced. There is no race that is born smarter or more talented then others every race has intelligence, but not all of them had enough resources. So in the end I have to agree with Jared Diamonds theory, although it well never be agreed upon it being a statement, but I am still a believer in his theory!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

First Assignment

Today in Western Civilization class I had to leave early because I had a track meet, however I was there for the first around 10 minutes or so in class and Mr. Schick explained to our class on what we were supposed to do. We were told that it would be worth 50 points and it only had to be a few hundred words on us analyzing if we believed Jared Diamonds theory was correct reading from the book and what we learned from his class (or if you had Mr. Powell) then I ended up going to the meet.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

First day of the Semester!

Today in class we started off by just picking our seats, which we got to pick at least for now and I already had Mr. Schick before so I already knew what was going on and what kind of teacher he was. Then after we got settled in while Mr. Schick was talking we were told what numbers our books were (mine was 13-52). We made a new blog for west civ. and we were suppose to email it to Mr. Schick for him to put into it. Then we were just explained that Mr. Schick was going to be tougher on our classes to grade the blogs because there were some people that were lazy on what they did. Also he told us that we needed one of those composition notebooks although I have already gotten one because I used it for Human Geo, but he explained and stressed to us that it is very important to do the blogs! He also reiterated to us that we find him in the art wing and in room 122 is where you go to see him because this is actually not his real room. He told us that it felt like a whole new year. He also told us that there is zero tolerance for games in his classes and if you get caught with one ten you get a major detention.