Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Was Jared Diamond on track with his theory of "geographic luck"?

Learning about Jared Diamond, his background as a guy and his theory has been interesting to say the least. He has had many hobbies and he proves to be a very intelligent man, going against something he says or saying he is wrong would probably be a difficult task to do. Reading the pages from 6-11 and also going over the movie we watched in school, with the discussions we had about him, I have come to a personal conclusion that he is correct and on point with his theory. Personally I believe that everyone was created equally no matter where you came from, what you look like, or what color you are. I have read the text book information thoroughly and understand it to a fair degree to come to the conclusion that the book is with agreement with the Jared Diamond theory. It also all makes sense to me after critically thinking about it on how it is based upon where a civilization was placed and made depended upon how advanced you could go. Just think about it, the areas with the best living conditions and best natural resources prospered the most and the ones with not so much are behind or were behind. Also in the book it states all the areas that were prosperous in early civilization and they all had their natural resources in common and the ones that didn't had the thing in common in which they had not very applicable resources. I have no reason to disagree with Jared Diamonds theory, I do understand that it is a very controversial area to be in and talking about, but Dr. Diamond has just provided too many facts and proof that his theory is correct, it was all luck if you were born upon a great resourceful area you were going to be advanced. There is no race that is born smarter or more talented then others every race has intelligence, but not all of them had enough resources. So in the end I have to agree with Jared Diamonds theory, although it well never be agreed upon it being a statement, but I am still a believer in his theory!


  1. Kishan, I am glad that you are seeing the big picture. I like how you are able to analyze Diamond's theory and apply it. Nice work.

