Thursday, January 24, 2013

In Class

Today we had our long class which was mods 2-3 so it could get boring sometimes and you can zone out, but since we got that break in the middle between the mods I had a little refresher and could stay focused for the entire thing. Today our class was focused on watching the video of John Green. He was a very interesting guy and it was really cool how he made the video interesting so the people who were viewing it would pay attention to what he was saying. The information would really sink in to what he was saying like I can recall what he was saying. The way he explained on how advanced and how crazy it has really gotten to making a cheeseburger from making everything that went into it was started off by making it all by hand. It was also cool talking about how they mistreated cows and other animals just for the pleasant taste and cheap cost. It was cool to sit next to Carly and see her cry a little because it was interesting. It was an interesting conversation in class today.

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