Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pyramid Challenge

Today in class we started off by talking about our test that would be on Friday. We will have class Thursday and that is when we will review for our test. Mr. Schick has given us many resources to study off of on his blog and we also have our text book to use to help us! Also Mr. Schick put in the course for us on the links section, he put in what we will be doing, when we will be doing it, and what pages the section will be located in our book! Then after that we were told that we would have to do the pyramid challenge and I chose my partner to be with Michael. Of course I had to put the team on my back because Michael could not do it, but thankfully I finished and we got a 9/10. The challenge was very nerv wrecking and I didn't like it, but at the same time enjoyed class! It was a fun class in all to see everyones reactions and all!

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