Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Today in West. Civ. class we took a test and that is what we have been doing. Then we were chilling and talking about the final and stuff, then Mr. Schick went to go grade our tests.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fuedalism review

Sorry forgot to post this for last week!
• Feudalism: studies the relationship between landowners and warriors; terms used by historians to describe governmental system; government and social institutions
• feudal compact: Lord would grant a fief (property) to the knight, who then become lord's vassal(servant)- this was feudal compact; an exchange of property or personal service an agreement and formal contract with a person
• Fief: Property-- Lord gives this to a knight to become his vassal in the contract
• Vassal: a warrior who agreed to serve a greater warrior in exchange for secure possession of land;
• Knight: a warrior, has to go through apprentice with an older knight, eminent with a lord in feudal compact
• Homage: a vassal's act of promising loyalty and obedience to his lord
• Serf: a peasant bound to work for a landowner -a lifelong hereditary status-as a condition for hereditary possession of a small farm
• Baron: a great lord who exercised government authority over vast family territory
• Peasantry: lowest group of estate, "those who work" the common people in town and countryside, including everyone from wealthy merchants and lawyers to landless farm workers, whose labors supported the clergy and nobles as well as themselves
• Estates: In the middle ages, the groups that made up society; often defined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work
• Manor:  the principal farming property and social unit of a medieval community, usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution
• three-field-system: A method of crop rotation designed to maintain and fertility of the soil and to provide for a regular supply of fall and spring crops
• internal colonization: The process of cultivating and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe
• Suburb: a village outside of walls
• Guild: an organization of merchants or craftspeople who regulaed the activities of their members and set standards and prices
• Master: A craftsman who had the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business
• Journeyman: A licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rate per day
• Apprentice: A "learner" in the shop of a master
• Masterpiece:  The final product of a merant, carpenter or such
• water mill

and yes, iron plow

Friday, May 24, 2013


Sorry didn't post this just made it a draft my b!
  • Feudalism studies the relationship between landowners and warriors; terms used by historians to describe governmental system
  • Warriors pledge allegiance to a lord, who would in turn give that knight land
  • Lord would grant a fief (property) to the knight, who then become lord's vassal(servant)- this was feudal compact
  • Vassall must fight for lord when he needs  it and attend his court once a month
Homage and Knighthood

  • A vassal was required to pay homage to his lord, usually this meant kneeling down and taking lord;s hands in his while speaking an oath of loyalty
  • Men were apprenticed to older knights before they could become full knight themselves
  • When a knight died, his fief would revert to his son, through his lord would be protector of that son if he was underage, or if it was a daughter
The Feudalization of the Church
  • Some clergy were known to fight as knights themselves
Feudal States

  • Barons were lords of large territories who usually paid homage to a king, next step higher then lord
  • Often barons army could outnumber that of a king, which kept a check on kings power
  • Divine right of the king gave him power over his vassals, no matter how much land theyhad
  • In countries like France and England the kings built up enough land and power to rule effectively over their barons
Manroial Estate:

  • Medieval society was divided into 3 estates: the clergy, the nobility, and the common people
  • Usually peasantry farmed on large plantations known as "manors" which were owned by a lord or lady of the nobility
  • Iron plows and water powered grinding mills helped with agricultural productions, but yield was still miniscule by today's standards
  • To maintain helft of the soil, the "Three field system" was used where two fields were lanted on (one in spring, one in fall) and one field was left to reconstitute its fertilityt then they were rotated
  • Villages spring up on and around manors with small cottages for the peasants and a large manor house for lord and lady
People of the Manor

  • Lord oversaw major agricultural issues but delegated everyday overseeing to his stewards or bailiffs
  • Lady of house ran household operatiions, oversaw servants, entertained guests and ran the manor when her husband was away
  • Most peasants were serfs, meaning they were bound to the land, to their lords for labor service a few days each week
  • Serfs were responsible for "internal colonization" of europe that is the cultivating and settling of previously uninhabited land
Growth of Trade

  • Agricultural boom after 1000 alloed for the establishment of many towns across Europe
  • Farm produce and animals were sold in towns and people with wealth bought their luxury items there
  • Items like psiced and silks came overland forom port cities like Venice and Genoa who recieved the goods from eastern sapitals like Constantinople
  • Europeans exported wool linen horses weaponry and slaves 
  • Europeans and Low countries were practically known for trade in wool and cloth 
Location and Appearance of Towns

  • Most medieval towns were surrounded by fortified walls
  • Residences also sprang up outside the walls in the suburbs
  • Towns were dominated by main church and central marketplace
  • Buildings for the craft guilds and the wealthiest families would also be in the center of the town
Life of Townspeople

  • Thorugh townspeople were free, unlike serfs they still had hierachy: merchants at the top, then skilled craftsmen and artisans, then unskilled laborers and apprenctices 
The Guilds

  • Merchants, craftsmen and artisans formed their own groups called guilds which regulated their trade and protected its members
  • Craftsmen were classified as masters, journeymen and apprenctices
  • Once became a master after spending years learning as an apprenctice working as a paid jounrey man for a numnber of years, and completing his "masterpiece"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Test Results

Well on class on Wednesday we started to go over the tests that we just had. The test results showed that we were the most prepared class and compared to the others we were very very intelligent. We had the most A's and the least amount of F's. Personally I contributed to getting an A with a 96, I could have done better and wish I had studied my spelling, but other then that I did excellent.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pop Quiz- After Rome 500-700 AD

  • Germanic Barbarians
    • Barbarian warlords and families assimilated into Roman culture became nobles or aristocrats of medieval Europe
    • Germanic tribes ruled former Roman lands, sought to conquer and assimilate other barbarian peoples who lived beyond frontiers and were still pagans
  • Angles and Saxons invaded Britain and assimilated with native Britons
  • Most Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity in 7th century
  • Most powerful Germanic tribe was Franks
  • Real power lay with "mayors of the palace" who were royal officials and nobles themselves
  • From Eastern Empire to Byzantium
  • Eastern Roman Empire continued while west divided into barbarian tribes
  • Justinian came to power in 527, decided to reunite entire Roman Empire by conquiring western territories 
  • In 476 The western empire ended
  • Justinian succedded for a time, but land he retook soon conquered by new tribes and massive plague depopulated much of west
  • Greek Byzantine emperors saw themsevles Roman Emperors and heads of Christian Church
  • Byzantines preserved Greco-Roman art, architecture, philosophy and writing despite much of it being non christian
  • Justinian built massive domed Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople, considered to be most glorious church on earth at the time
  • Cathedral of Hagia Sophia

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Two Emperors


  • He ruled from 284
  • cool to persecute Christians
  • Jacked up army to 400,000 
  • Jacked up government 20,000 officials

  • ruled from 306-337
  • it's okay to be Christian
  • Conversian of Christianity (sign)
  • 313- Edict of Milan
  • Built new capital Byzantium, soon changed to Constantinople
  • East is new capital
  • West is hard to take over
Life in 4th Century:

  • country men are bankrupt because of the endless tax collection
  • Farm system: peasants work for elite landlords on large farms
  • Rome power is decreasing
  • Western Empire is too poor
  • Huns migrate out of China to eastern Europe and take big chunks of empire: The Huns came from China. he Hunnic empire was formed under the reign of Attila, centered in present-day Hungary; its territory included parts of Germany, the Balkans, and Ukraine. It bordered the Eastern Roman Empire to the southeast and the Western Roman Empire to the west and southwest; its other boundaries are uncertain. 
  • The Angles were people from German descent who conquered what is now modern-day Britain during the fall of the Roman Empire. The name England originates from the Angles.
  • Visigoths take over Spain, actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410:  The Visigoths responded by moving into Roman territory near the mouth of the Danube (in today’s Bulgaria).  But the Romans abused them: officials from Constantinople demanded illegal tribute from Visigoths; when the Visigoths refused to pay, Roman soldiers took their children as slaves, raped the women, and tortured the men.  In 378, 50,000 Visigoths rebelled and defeated an army sent from Constantinople.  They then moved through Greece and along the Adriatic Sea towards Italy. They then seized control over the rich farm land of southern Gaul.
  • Vandals Control Carthage and Western Mediterranean: The Vandals invaded Rome's territories in Gaul.  The Vandals moved into Spain and North Africa, and seized control over Roman Numidia in 439.  In 455 the Vandals attacked and plundered Rome from the sea. 
  • Other Tribes
    • Ostrogoths in Italy 
    • Farnks in Gaul
    • Angles and Saxons in Britains
  • Ostrogoths

  • Ostrogothic Kingdom
  • The Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian declared war on the Ostrogoths in 535 AD. During the 20 year war, the Ostrogoths conquered large parts of Italy.

  • The Angles were people from German descent who conquered what is now modern-day Britain during the fall of the Roman Empire. The name England originates from the Angles.

  • peasants can avoid paying taxes, but they are getting hit just as hard by the landlords

  • paying off debts and being "allowed" to live on the land, in exchange for endless back-breaking work (such a deal!)

  • landowners hold local power as counts and bishops, wielding more real power than the faraway empire 

  • foreshadowing feudalism
From the beginnings

  • 500 BC- the moarchy is abolished
  • 450 BC- The Twelve Tables are established
...throught the glory days...

  • 44 BC- end of the line for JC
  • 27 BC- 180 AD- The Roman Peace (Pax Romana)
to the bitter end..

  • constants fifth centure invasions by barbarian tribes left the western Roman Empire shatterd and crumbling
  • Last emperor was teenage boy installed in  475 by his father
  • barbarians deposed Romulus Augustulus without bothering to kill him 
  • 476 last emperor gone of Western Empire

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today in class we had the Rome part 2 test and boy was it difficult! The full in the blank was hard only because I did not know how to spell the words. I knew what I wanted to say but I did not know how to write them down. I believe my short answer answers were on point and got a hundred on that part, however I did not know how to spell A couple words and see if there will be points taken off because I knew the word but just not the spelling. Overall I think I prepared well and had an okay grade (92ish).

Monday, May 13, 2013

Questions for the Test

  • What is an "Edict"?

A law coming straight from the emperor, from the highest position has to be followed by all

  • How much bigger was Diocletions army then Augustus?
Augustus's army was only 1/3 of the size of Diocletions army, 400,000 in Diocletions army

  • In 300 AD how many people were in the Roman Empire?
60 million

  • Describe Constantine's vision (Paragraph 5-10 sentences
Battled in the Milvian Bridge; before this he saw the cross ect.
  • When was Pax Romana?
27 BC to 180 AD

  • When was the Edict of Milan?
313 AD

  • How many people in Constantine army?

  • Who did Jesus hang out with? Why?(short answer)
Poor people
Allowed Christianity to grow

  • What does Gospel mean?
Good News

  • Diocletians Edicts:
He wanted to burn all churches, burn sacred scriptures, destroy christian careers, arrest all bishops priests and clergy, forced them to go make sacrifice to Roman gods, not allowed to assemble, and mother father child and children had to make sacrifice or persecuted immediately

  • Constantine moved capital from Rome to Banzantime and then moved to Constantinople
  • What is the Edict of Milan?
Edict that said you can't persecute anyone for their religions

  • What is Predestination?
God knows before what you were destined for

  • Who were four Gospel writers?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Friday, May 10, 2013


  • Diocletian didn't have problem with Christians first, but did after
  • Someone on staff had him change his mind on Christians
  • He had edicts
    • Sentneced newly build Christian Church in Nicomedia demolsihed
    • Christians scriptures and places of worship demolished
    • Christians are prohibited from assembling for worship
    • He said that all Chrisyians were to be stripped of their rankings as senator equestrians, decurions, veterans and soldiers
  • After first edict, 3 more edicts
  • Second: ordered arrest as well as imporosments of all bishops and priests, let other people that are criminals out of jail
  • 3rd if clergyman wanted to be freed, would have to make sacrifice to Roman gods
  • 4th: ordered all men women and children to come to public space and make collective sacrifice together and refused, they would be executed
  • Cross came to him (see yesterdays blog)
  • Consyayine buily Roman army and pay for the army he introduced new gold currency
  • Rome to Binzanti capital late renamed to COnstatine 
  • Edicts come from emperor which is a law that has to be followed
  • Fire destroyed half of palace
  • Galarious (sub empoorer) said it had to be christians
  • Guy was abused
  • Doceltine just left, didnt wait to die just ran away
  • Big difference from Constantine and Doceltine
  • Constantines mother is a Christian
  • THey painted it on their shield
  • He did not become Christian on spot, but eventually did become on
  • Eusebius: historian talked to COnstantine on what happened
  • Constantine thought he needed divine assistance and all because his gods were not helping
  • Those who believed in multiple gods met an unhappy end
  • The God of the Father gave him many tokens and such
  • Constantine said this through his own lips
  • God came to him in the dream and they put sign on shield and go to battle
  • Won battle
  • Edict of Milan: you can't persecute anyone for their religion anymore
  • If your property was taken away because you are Christian or something you get it back
  • They will not burn up anything and destroy anything

Thursday, May 9, 2013


  • Epidemic disease spreads throughout empire
  • Too hard to defend against barbarians
  • emperors began to lose power. stayed in power for 2 1/2 years
  • Having armies is expensive
  • Too many poverty stricken citizens
  • 284-Diocletian's reforms
  • Increase size of army 400,000
  • 1/3 bigger then Augustus
  • Ask new people to join their army they concquered 
  • Roman territories made smaller
  • 20,000 officials in government (10x more then augustus)
  • In 300 Ad 60 million people in Empire
  • 7 million people are Christians
  • Father in heaven loves you helped the poor in Roman Empire
  • Diocletian ruled from 284-305 
  • He at first didn't care
  • He realized the probs it could cause so he devised a plan to persecute Christians
  • Diocletian reconstructed empire.
  • What was the way Diocletion persecute?

  • What were specefics Diocletiion on how Diocletion persecutes Christians?

  • What is the connection between Constatine and Christianity?
Constantine not only accepted Christianity by issueing the Edict of Milan to stop the persecution of Christians and also issue complete freedom to worship throughout the entire Roman Empire. Constantine not only just allowed freedom throughout the empire to let them worship, but he took it farther and started to favor Christianity. This lead to Christianity to be the religion throughout the entire empire. The exact instance where Constantine became Christian is unknown to us, although what we do know is that of his own story. He said that during the battles that he fought to bring him to power, he would display the sign of the cross of Jesus. His reasoning for this was that one day he had seen a cross hovering above the sun with the words written on it, "Conquer by this sign!." The only power that Constantine had in his mind was the one God whom the Christians worshiped. He was a Christian so he could not have looked at himself and expected himself to be a god, but that did not stop the bishops themselves to displayed reverence for him. In a speech before the emperor Constantine's friend a biographer Bishop Eusebius of Causarea made a point by point parallel between Constantine as ruler of Rome and Christ himself as ruler of the universe.
  • What else is Constatine known for?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Christianity in Pax Romana

  • A new religion in new empire
  • Begins with Jesus (everything)
  • He was a real person, historical real
  • Only written about Gospel not on front page news
  • Jesus was an observant Jew
  • He was hanging with sinners, prostitutes, fringes of societies and was telling them they were worth it
  • He said we should strive for perfection  but we we are unable to get there, but God forgives if you are a good person
  • People tried to trick him to do bad and be legislative, but he did not lose and crack
  • Jesus followers thought he came to end world and bring them to eternal happiness
  • Followers believe he died and rose from the dead
  • People that followed him were apostles
  • Paul of Tarsus was a Jew who became follower of Christ
  • Paul not only stops persecuting but follows Jesus
  • People could be pushed around and no one would care
  • Columbia history says he really was calming down people not casting out demons

Monday, May 6, 2013

LO-2 Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace


  • What is known of Jesus is found in the gospels
  • The authors did not feel the need to write down all of what happened in Jesus life, just death and preach and birth
  • Gospels written when Jewish people were against each other.
  • Jesus obeyed the law and called for acceptance of Roman Rule
  • One must "be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"
  • Gospel tells many of Jesus signs and wonders
  • Jesus of Gospel is different then Jesus that Jewish groups hoped for
  • he said I have not come to bring peace, but a sword
  • He meant he will separate the sinful from the righteous
  • The gentiles saw the god and went into the world and proclaimed the good news to the whole creation
  • aul had recently come to Judaea as a studious Pharisee and opponent of the new belief 
  • A vision made his a passionate believer in Jesus as Messiah
  • Paul kept in touch by letter
  • Predestination: The doctrine that God determines in advance who will be saved and who will be damned
  • Within the earliest Churches, there was no formal structure of authority and power
  • People claimed that they should be the head of the Church because God or the Holy Spirit gave them something special
  • The Churches' worship included two formal services
  • Paul died in about 60 A.D. probably beheaded in Rome as a Jewish troublemaker
  • The believers in Jesus began calling themselves by a name originally given them by Gentile disbelievers -"Christians"
  • For the Christians, there were only three groups: 
  • The Jews: God's former chosen people
  • The Gentiles: a word that Christians sill often used to describe worships of the gods and goddesses
  • Themselves, the Christians: who were Gentiles no longer but God's chosen people


I forgot to do a blog for our class on Friday, but it was when Daniel and I worked on our paper together in class and which was due today in class for a grade (100 points). The LO that we decided to do were LO1, LO3, LO5 and I think it was a solid essay.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The ending of Rome (video)

We started off by when Tibiris wife, Claudia, had poop thrown at her face because the people were angry at Tibiris because people were saying that he wanted to be king. Even his body gaurd had left him because he thought that Tibiris was trying to be a tyrant. They broke Tibiris fathers face mask. He said that he will run for tribune again and win over their support again. He was being yelled at by his mother saying not even her greatest enemies have given her that much pain. He said that he did not do this for the good of the people, or for the good of himself, but for his mother. The Senate was wanting to interfere, but they can't do anything legally. They misinterrpurted the symbol for being King and the Senate beat Tibiris Braccus to death. He had no funeral or anything just was dumped into the river.

  • The overthrow of Roman Republic
  • Prolutarian: A propertyless and still could vote
  • War profiteers are people that profit from war
  • People would take advantage of their own people that were rich not just others
  • People use their own money to buy farm lands that other people can't afford or grow anything on
  • They did not even pay former farmers they just hired slaves
  • The Gracchi brothers saw that what was happening was not right
  • The brothers were motivated to make things people, but they got killed
  • They asked people with enormous amount of land to people that needed it, just a little, part they didn't need
  • Some of the grain they had would be given to Romans that don't have food
  • This idea would decrease the gap between rich and poor
  • His idea did not suit well with the Senate
  • He was under a disadvantage because of people that were in the Assembly that were sympathetic to the Senate
  • This was a well covered historical story
  • Senate thought he was a troublemaker 
  • He does something illegal because he tries to get re elected 
  • They killed Tibiris and 300 of his supporters
  • Guis is 8 years younger then his brother
  • He picked up after his brother and got elected as a tribune
  • There was a bounty on him and Opimius announced whoever brought it back will get paid by weight in gold
  • They were almost forced into Civil War
  • The Rise of Julias Ceaser
  • He was a talented person, speaking, patrician and was very persuasive 
  • He was a brilliant military man
  • He was really good at how to work people, what friends to have, what to act like
  • This guy feels like he was totally meant to rule 
  • Sulla tried to do this with 3 people in different government branches
  • Pompey was accomplished general
  • Crassus richest man on earth, might be the richest
  • Triumphant, military, money and him
  • He goes through and annexes most of western Europe
  • He was war profiteering from this
  • After 8 years he has enourmously increased Roman amount of land
  • Pompey is jealous and senate is worried
  • Senate tells him to not march in with massive army and celebrate
  • He got to the Rubicon river and makes a grand heroic entrance
  • Caesar is DADDY
  • Crossing the Rubicon "Reaches point to make decision with no turning back"
  • Pompey is getting jealous and can't deal with this 
  • They both start fighting each other and Pompey getting defeated
  • He ran to Egypt and got killed
  • 46 BC: Caesar returned to Rome in triumph and was declated "Father of the Fatherland"
  • JC was tribune, supreme pontiff, consul, and dictator some at same time
  • He became the DICTATOR FOR LIFE
  • They have come back to Tarquin the Proud, full circle
  • As dictator, he resettle war veterans on famlands
  • Lands he conquered he made them Roman citizenship, give em senate spot
  • He did all the great things for people
  • Ides of March (March 15) 44 BC he got stabbed to death
  • Mark Antony and Octavian each get some of Caesars troops and new triumvirate with another warlord0 Lepidus
  • They start fighting each other
  • They join forces to assasinate JC's assasins
  • Antony has love affair with Cleopatra not popular with rome
  • Octavian pushes out Lepidus and defeats Cleo 
  • Octavian supreme warlord
  • Runs military dictatorship
  • named him Augustus which means "recered one"
  • he was 18 when Caeser was killed(44 BC)
  • Two decades later (27 BC) most powerful man in world
  • beginning of Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
  • Paper about what comes next pg 104-121 in text
  • right about Pax Romana new monarchy 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rome Video cont.

Today in West. Civ. class we continued watching the video on Rome that we have been watching for the past couple days. It has been pretty interesting so far. It starts off by Tibiris eating and drinking a few drinks with Octavious. Octavious is the person who has taken the old womens land that was complaining(Latifundia land). There were thousands of farmers that had to leave their land because rich land owners were buying them. Tibiris fought the Newmantides from Spain who his father had fought 40 years before. Maximus was a commander whose only option was to have a peace treaty with the barbarians that are surrounding them. They said they wanted to have Tibiris negotiate with them and hand him the lives of 20,000 Roman soldiers lives to his "junior officer" rank. When Tibiris returned home he was greeted and praised by the soldiers family that he had brought home safely. Then he had to go to the Senate with Maximus and Tibiris. He was not convicted  but the officer Maximus was the one they blamed and had to be stripped naked and sent to the land of the Newmantides. He was told to be a tribune. To stand for the people that he had saved their lives. He got married to Claudia to form an alliance. Tibiris using his veto power he brought the entire government to a stand still.