Thursday, May 2, 2013

The ending of Rome (video)

We started off by when Tibiris wife, Claudia, had poop thrown at her face because the people were angry at Tibiris because people were saying that he wanted to be king. Even his body gaurd had left him because he thought that Tibiris was trying to be a tyrant. They broke Tibiris fathers face mask. He said that he will run for tribune again and win over their support again. He was being yelled at by his mother saying not even her greatest enemies have given her that much pain. He said that he did not do this for the good of the people, or for the good of himself, but for his mother. The Senate was wanting to interfere, but they can't do anything legally. They misinterrpurted the symbol for being King and the Senate beat Tibiris Braccus to death. He had no funeral or anything just was dumped into the river.

  • The overthrow of Roman Republic
  • Prolutarian: A propertyless and still could vote
  • War profiteers are people that profit from war
  • People would take advantage of their own people that were rich not just others
  • People use their own money to buy farm lands that other people can't afford or grow anything on
  • They did not even pay former farmers they just hired slaves
  • The Gracchi brothers saw that what was happening was not right
  • The brothers were motivated to make things people, but they got killed
  • They asked people with enormous amount of land to people that needed it, just a little, part they didn't need
  • Some of the grain they had would be given to Romans that don't have food
  • This idea would decrease the gap between rich and poor
  • His idea did not suit well with the Senate
  • He was under a disadvantage because of people that were in the Assembly that were sympathetic to the Senate
  • This was a well covered historical story
  • Senate thought he was a troublemaker 
  • He does something illegal because he tries to get re elected 
  • They killed Tibiris and 300 of his supporters
  • Guis is 8 years younger then his brother
  • He picked up after his brother and got elected as a tribune
  • There was a bounty on him and Opimius announced whoever brought it back will get paid by weight in gold
  • They were almost forced into Civil War
  • The Rise of Julias Ceaser
  • He was a talented person, speaking, patrician and was very persuasive 
  • He was a brilliant military man
  • He was really good at how to work people, what friends to have, what to act like
  • This guy feels like he was totally meant to rule 
  • Sulla tried to do this with 3 people in different government branches
  • Pompey was accomplished general
  • Crassus richest man on earth, might be the richest
  • Triumphant, military, money and him
  • He goes through and annexes most of western Europe
  • He was war profiteering from this
  • After 8 years he has enourmously increased Roman amount of land
  • Pompey is jealous and senate is worried
  • Senate tells him to not march in with massive army and celebrate
  • He got to the Rubicon river and makes a grand heroic entrance
  • Caesar is DADDY
  • Crossing the Rubicon "Reaches point to make decision with no turning back"
  • Pompey is getting jealous and can't deal with this 
  • They both start fighting each other and Pompey getting defeated
  • He ran to Egypt and got killed
  • 46 BC: Caesar returned to Rome in triumph and was declated "Father of the Fatherland"
  • JC was tribune, supreme pontiff, consul, and dictator some at same time
  • He became the DICTATOR FOR LIFE
  • They have come back to Tarquin the Proud, full circle
  • As dictator, he resettle war veterans on famlands
  • Lands he conquered he made them Roman citizenship, give em senate spot
  • He did all the great things for people
  • Ides of March (March 15) 44 BC he got stabbed to death
  • Mark Antony and Octavian each get some of Caesars troops and new triumvirate with another warlord0 Lepidus
  • They start fighting each other
  • They join forces to assasinate JC's assasins
  • Antony has love affair with Cleopatra not popular with rome
  • Octavian pushes out Lepidus and defeats Cleo 
  • Octavian supreme warlord
  • Runs military dictatorship
  • named him Augustus which means "recered one"
  • he was 18 when Caeser was killed(44 BC)
  • Two decades later (27 BC) most powerful man in world
  • beginning of Pax Romana (Roman Peace)
  • Paper about what comes next pg 104-121 in text
  • right about Pax Romana new monarchy 

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