Monday, May 6, 2013

LO-2 Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace


  • What is known of Jesus is found in the gospels
  • The authors did not feel the need to write down all of what happened in Jesus life, just death and preach and birth
  • Gospels written when Jewish people were against each other.
  • Jesus obeyed the law and called for acceptance of Roman Rule
  • One must "be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect"
  • Gospel tells many of Jesus signs and wonders
  • Jesus of Gospel is different then Jesus that Jewish groups hoped for
  • he said I have not come to bring peace, but a sword
  • He meant he will separate the sinful from the righteous
  • The gentiles saw the god and went into the world and proclaimed the good news to the whole creation
  • aul had recently come to Judaea as a studious Pharisee and opponent of the new belief 
  • A vision made his a passionate believer in Jesus as Messiah
  • Paul kept in touch by letter
  • Predestination: The doctrine that God determines in advance who will be saved and who will be damned
  • Within the earliest Churches, there was no formal structure of authority and power
  • People claimed that they should be the head of the Church because God or the Holy Spirit gave them something special
  • The Churches' worship included two formal services
  • Paul died in about 60 A.D. probably beheaded in Rome as a Jewish troublemaker
  • The believers in Jesus began calling themselves by a name originally given them by Gentile disbelievers -"Christians"
  • For the Christians, there were only three groups: 
  • The Jews: God's former chosen people
  • The Gentiles: a word that Christians sill often used to describe worships of the gods and goddesses
  • Themselves, the Christians: who were Gentiles no longer but God's chosen people

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