Monday, May 13, 2013

Questions for the Test

  • What is an "Edict"?

A law coming straight from the emperor, from the highest position has to be followed by all

  • How much bigger was Diocletions army then Augustus?
Augustus's army was only 1/3 of the size of Diocletions army, 400,000 in Diocletions army

  • In 300 AD how many people were in the Roman Empire?
60 million

  • Describe Constantine's vision (Paragraph 5-10 sentences
Battled in the Milvian Bridge; before this he saw the cross ect.
  • When was Pax Romana?
27 BC to 180 AD

  • When was the Edict of Milan?
313 AD

  • How many people in Constantine army?

  • Who did Jesus hang out with? Why?(short answer)
Poor people
Allowed Christianity to grow

  • What does Gospel mean?
Good News

  • Diocletians Edicts:
He wanted to burn all churches, burn sacred scriptures, destroy christian careers, arrest all bishops priests and clergy, forced them to go make sacrifice to Roman gods, not allowed to assemble, and mother father child and children had to make sacrifice or persecuted immediately

  • Constantine moved capital from Rome to Banzantime and then moved to Constantinople
  • What is the Edict of Milan?
Edict that said you can't persecute anyone for their religions

  • What is Predestination?
God knows before what you were destined for

  • Who were four Gospel writers?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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