Friday, May 10, 2013


  • Diocletian didn't have problem with Christians first, but did after
  • Someone on staff had him change his mind on Christians
  • He had edicts
    • Sentneced newly build Christian Church in Nicomedia demolsihed
    • Christians scriptures and places of worship demolished
    • Christians are prohibited from assembling for worship
    • He said that all Chrisyians were to be stripped of their rankings as senator equestrians, decurions, veterans and soldiers
  • After first edict, 3 more edicts
  • Second: ordered arrest as well as imporosments of all bishops and priests, let other people that are criminals out of jail
  • 3rd if clergyman wanted to be freed, would have to make sacrifice to Roman gods
  • 4th: ordered all men women and children to come to public space and make collective sacrifice together and refused, they would be executed
  • Cross came to him (see yesterdays blog)
  • Consyayine buily Roman army and pay for the army he introduced new gold currency
  • Rome to Binzanti capital late renamed to COnstatine 
  • Edicts come from emperor which is a law that has to be followed
  • Fire destroyed half of palace
  • Galarious (sub empoorer) said it had to be christians
  • Guy was abused
  • Doceltine just left, didnt wait to die just ran away
  • Big difference from Constantine and Doceltine
  • Constantines mother is a Christian
  • THey painted it on their shield
  • He did not become Christian on spot, but eventually did become on
  • Eusebius: historian talked to COnstantine on what happened
  • Constantine thought he needed divine assistance and all because his gods were not helping
  • Those who believed in multiple gods met an unhappy end
  • The God of the Father gave him many tokens and such
  • Constantine said this through his own lips
  • God came to him in the dream and they put sign on shield and go to battle
  • Won battle
  • Edict of Milan: you can't persecute anyone for their religion anymore
  • If your property was taken away because you are Christian or something you get it back
  • They will not burn up anything and destroy anything

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