Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 5

Hellenistic: refers to the international period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia was under Greek rule. Internationally connected and impacted by Greek Rule. Alexander takes over at 20 doesn't lose any battle he is involved in.
In 359 B.C. King Philip the 2 of Macedonia comes to power of Macedonia and then he will try and gain control of Greece.
The Athenians lost the Peloponesian war because they got to into themselves and power. They were not content in which what they already had and the flourishing lives they were living, and Sparta was not even going to attack Athens to reign as the undoubted ruler of Greece. The Athenians sticked to their sound strategy at first and it was going well, but they had plague reign over them and they could not conquer that, also their leader, Pericles died of this plague and without him there were people struggling to try and gain control of Athens and be the leader, but it was unnsuccessful. They finally just had to give up because they already had lost 1/3 or 2/3 of their population do to disease and such which lead to their end. The Spartans were just not even compared to on land battle, while the thought was right they failed to realize that Sparta did not have to go to the sea for supplies and got it all on land and were perfectly fine without the sea.

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