Thursday, March 14, 2013

Movie Cont.

Today in class we were moving on in the movie and we skipped 40 min of the movie because Mr. Schick said he could explain it in around 5 minutes, which he held true to himself. He described to us that the Spartans won the Peloponnese war. The Athenian leaders were Hubris( too high into yourself as a leader and think you are unconquerable). The plague killed 1/3 of the population that resided in Athens which is really shocking. Then they sent Socrates to death because of him apparently underminning state religion and currupting the youth of Athens, while he was just trying to help Athens out and do his job towards Athens. He said that an unexamined life is not worth living. The jury that conducted the trial was around 500 people, but there was only 30 votes separating the verdict and they made him drink hemlock.

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