Sunday, March 17, 2013

Review Guide

Worksheet / Study Guide for
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization

Want to do well on the next test?  Here’s where to start:  Know what’s on this sheet.  Post the answers on your blog.  Find the answers by checking your text, doing independent research, taking good notes while watching the video, or referring to the website that accompanies the video: .

IMPORTANT DATES:  In a sentence or two, describe what important or historical event took place on the following dates:
1600 – 1200 BC: Mycenean civilization
1150 – 750 BC- Dark Ages
776 BC- Olympic games started
750 – 700 BC- Homer wrote Illiad and Oddessey
508 BC-Athens started democracy, common people threw out Isagaros was taken over, he was unprepared and had to agree to truce and Spartans were taken over, now they turned to Clesithenous to take back over
490 BC- Fidipidis ran in the battle of Marathon
480 BC- Themesticlies created the tririms and that beat Persians and killed King Darius with them and even though they were outnumbered they still won straight of salimus is where they were lowered into
461 – 429 BC- Age of Periclies
447 – 438 BC- they built the Parthanon
431 – 404 BC- Pericluis takes podium and says they must fight Sparta. They had peloponesian war end of golden age, lost 1/3 or 2/3 of people cause of this war, Periclius died because of the plague also
399 BC- Socrates
336 BC- Alexander the Great creating empire

MEN, WOMEN, GODS AND GODDESSES YOU SHOULD KNOW:  In one or two sentences, describe what is significant about the following people (or immortals):
Homer- he wrote Illiad and Oddessey
Odysseus- He was Trojan war hero, spent 10 years trying to come back angers Phosiden and he knocks him off course and many adventures happen
Zeus- Ancient greek god, he was the sky god
Athena- was the patrionist of Athens, was a goddess of wisdom,
Draco- formulate greek laws to one code of laws and very harsh
Pisistratus- he took over because he said he ws with goddess Athena, but he was a tyrant sided with regular folks, lowed taxes gave loans
Cleisthenes- told since birth he was gonna be a leader but was one to warn them of giving tririms
Darius (the Great)- king of Persia during battle of marathon and died
Xerxes- wanted to take down Athens, burned down acropolis later defeated
Pheidippides- ran the marathon and ran to sparta
Themistocles- need to build tririms in case got attacked and
Pericles- he became new leader of Athens he had partner who had equal power chick, got pelopenisian war
Aristophanes- part of red light district
Socrates-Socrates was a man of great logic. He invented the idea of decisions on good and bad and got the Athenian people to think for themselves.
Plato- learned under socrates
Alexander the Great

LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION:  Be able to locate the following on a map:
Athens                         Sparta                                      Peloponnesus                          Ionia
Ionian Sea                               Aegean Sea                             Persian Empire
GREEK POLITICAL STRUCTURES: Describe these political institutions:
Monarchy                    Democracy                  Oligarchy                    Aristocracy
Monarchy: Was ruled by one King and power is handed down; A monarchy then gave way to new forms of government that distributed power more widely among male citizens
Democracy: Voting, meet in the agora and made decisions together, by the majority of male citizens
Oligarchy: groups of elders, this made more opinions; a minority of citizens dominated the government, and the power of the majority was limited in various ways
PERICLES’ THREE GOALS FOR ATHENS: Name ‘em; describe ‘em.
Glorify athens
stregth democrcy
strengthen empire
GREEK ART: Identify and describe examples in these fields:
Sculpture                     Architecture                            Drama (tragedy and comedy)                 
Sculpture-they created figureens out of different materials like marble or clay like the 40 foot high gold and ivory statue of Athena in the Parthenon       Architecture- building things like buildings and structures like the Parthenon to show how great and talented Athens was         Drama (tragedy and comedy)-the first theater was in the acropolis and civilians went twice a year for festivels and to watch plays; tragedies told stories of great men falling from great heights and loosing everything               

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