Monday, April 29, 2013


Today in West. Civ class we started to watch more of the movie, but unfortunately there were technical difficulties that delayed the class. First we could not get Mr. Schick's volume to work on his laptop, but the video worked perfectly fine. Then we discussed it and let Nick try his computer and we got the sound system to work on his, but we could not get the video to show up on the projector with his. Then Mr. Schick went outside and most likely went to the Tech Lab to get things fixed. However a plot twist was that when he left Olivia and Becca decided to try their laptops so we got theirs to work so we were just watching the video while Mr. Schick came into our classroom which I thought we did a good job in handling it.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Today in West Civ class I had to take the test since I was absent the day before. I thought that the test was pretty simple and easy, there were a few questions that threw me off and I had to think about it, but I got threw it! I am kind of upset because I did not get a perfect score :(. I got one question wrong which was the one of what the Roman Legion is called a centurie. This was upsetting, but I WILL get a 100 on the next test. I walked into class with them being yelled at because they are not taking advantage of the 15k that their parents are paying for them. I think it is a simple class if you pay attention and work at it, and my grade certainly proves it, but it is whatever it is their mistake. Then after class we started watching a video on the Roman Emprorers and the first part was of Tibiris Braccus death and they were honoring him, he had to see his dead father sit on the throne and he would die 20 years later and on the same principles he has been brought up to believe in. Then the video ended on talking of Tibris and his brother in law saying of the war against Carthage. Tibris was brought up to fill big shoes because this father was such a great leader.

Thursday, 4/25

I was not at school on Thursday so I was out all yesterday and could not blog so this is me saying I was absent!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rome Test review

  • Bracus  brothers part of senate
  • Bracus bros part of 300 senates
  • They moved to Rome because they thought big city lot of jobs
  • There were 1000's of people who came to rome to find a living
  • People would watch gladiators fight for their enterainment
  • The people got little bread and food to do the fighting
  • The Bracus brothers say the solution is that the rich should give some of the land back that they bought from people
  • Study up to I can hear the brothers Gracchus
  • Plebian
  • Patricion
  • Senate: 300 people in senate
  • Republic: Les republic: From latin
  • Democracy Aristocracy Monarchy
  • The assembly spoke for non rich people
  • People in assmebly is called tribune
  • Counsels represented the monarchy
  • Had dictator iin times of crises 6 month terms
  • Counsel could veto each other 1 year terms
  • First punic war over sicile Rome and Carthage
  • 2nd hannibal 28 great idea and attack Roman from side where they didn't expect
  • 3rd war Rome is tired of Carthage and they attacked and utterly demolished them
  • Who was a matron raped by Tarquins son (Lucrica)
  • Etrucians came to rome one of first 3 Etrucians Greeks Latins
  • Lataphondia when rich people bought up all land and that is what huge land was called

Monday, April 22, 2013

Extra Credit

Today in West. Civ. class we presented our extra credit that we did for the first part of the class. We kicked off class with Carly starting what she did for extra credit and she did amazing, but we were just messing with her, but I really thought it was amazing and she put a lot of effort into it. Then to make it seem even better it was my group going next and it wasn't let us say up to the level of Carly's, but I was aiming for 7 points to higher my grade into a 100. Well then I had to go up and present, we had many issues to start off with, but we did a "satisfactory" job on the extra credit especially compared to some that did not even do it. I was kind've winging it because I did not know we were going to present I thought you would just look at our things and judge it like that, but I think I ended up doing a solid job on my presenting. Also I had that picture of the ORIGINAL Chi-Cago and M- Schick Lamar, but watch out K- Doo is up and coming haha.

• Sicili was little island in middle they were fighting for
• Hanibal carthage age 28 young blood, said if they can crush rome and take over then mediterranian
• They fight on sea
• They came the back way
• Hannibal almost pulled off most amazing underdog but the romans defended well
• Rome wins 2nd Punic war
• Rome decides Carthage was annoying and they swamped Carthage and killed many and enslaved survivors
• They annihilated the Carthaginians so utterly left nothing
• People lost a lot of the older men and women were left to do all the hard work

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rome Explanation

• Latins important: first to give language,  first to come to Rome
• Estrucans and the Greeks also other 2 of first 3
• On the river in the middle, on an elevation so you can see everything, middle of penninsula(Thought chosen people)
• Tarquin last king of Rome, one of old school tryants Unfair, abused power, not just, hard guy
• Tarquin had son who raped a women who was good mannered and such, nobody came to womens defense and she committed suicide
• Decide to take power of regular people, power of rich, and power of tyranny
• Respublica: republic comes from: Latin for peoples affair, peoples job
• Republic combination of three types of government Democracy Aristocracy Plus Monarchy
• Arsitocracy: formed Senate; rich land owning powerful 300 of them own branch of government
• Assembly- tribunes:
• People demanded patricions tell everyone what the laws were
• Demanded 12 tables with all of the rules and punishments were laid out, publicly posted in forum
• Forum is roman agora
• They took years little by little they got more and more demands
• Rich people do not like to get rid of their power
• Monarchy: Consuls: there were 2 consuls; instead of it go through heritage; each consul can veto others; senate would pick 2 consuls; they were only there for 1 year; 10 years apart runs
• Senate in US modeled after Romans
• House of Reps. Is the Assembly
• Roman empire stuck around for so long because they had strong dominant military
• They were respected, feared, terrified people
• Roman Legion: Roman Army
• Legion: 4000-5000 people within for Roman Empire
• People joined army because they felt like it’s the right thing to do and they thought it was their responsibility
• They did not complain about serving
• People stopped wanting to do it for respect, but then they wanted pay
• The Greek falix is like the Roman
• 1/3 people in Rome were slaves
• No one wanted to mess with Romans they were fierce
• Punic: Phonecean adjective
• Rome beats Carthage in first war
Also our group has made our Rome song with the pictures on one note and we will show you on Mondays class.

• Sicili was little island in middle they were fighting for
• Hanibal carthage age 28 young blood, said if they can crush rome and take over then mediterranian
• They fight on sea
• They came the back way
• Hannibal almost pulled off most amazing underdog but the romans defended well
• Rome wins 2nd Punic war
• Rome decides Carthage was annoying and they swamped Carthage and killed many and enslaved survivors
• They annihilated the Carthaginians so utterly left nothing
• People lost a lot of the older men and women were left to do all the hard work

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Project cont.

In West. Civ. class we continued to work onto our projects, but it did not turn out to be good. Our projects did not turn out well and we could not get the technology to work. So we kept on doing our work and my group just decided to give up on movie maker and started a powerpoint and we are doing it in a way that we would let it help and enable us to study for, but do not want to just do it to get the best grade possible.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today in West Civ. we were told that we were going to have to work on making pictures go along with the lyrics in the hit song by the sensational artist Chi-Cago. I am responsible to actually putting the pictures with the words and I have to wait until I receive the pictures from my partners: John and Daniel

Friday, April 12, 2013


Well, you got the Etruscans and the Greeks
But the Latins came first
To the shores of the River Tiber
They drained a swamp (They drained a swamp)
Next thing you know
Livin’ in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Now Tarquin’s kinda proud
But he got a little loud (little loud)
They turned around and ran that tyrant outta town (hey!)
Next thing you know (next thing you know)
No kings no more
Happened in Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Hey, we got three governments rolled into one
Patricians and plebeians havin’ some fun
Two consuls gotta be better than one
Brand new republic ready to run
Plus monarchy
Not a tyranny
Ho-o-o-old up wait a minute, do I see what I think I… hey!
That’s a Roman legion clear as day
5000 soldiers not in it for pay
Group of eighty’s a century
On horseback is the cavalry
Shield, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic
Fightin ’gainst Carthage in wars that are Punic
Hannibal riding on elephant back
Crossing the Alps just to launch his attack
So now you get the picture (picture)
All the rich are getting richer (richer)
And they’re livin’ on the latifundia
Farmers can’t cope (They just can’t cope)
They’re low on hope
They moved to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
I can hear the brothers Gracchus
Sayin, “Rich, please don’t attack us” (don’t attack us)
“We got a feeling that the senators will whack us” (hey!)
They hit the floor (they hit the floor)
Next thing you know
It’s civil war, war, war, war, war, war, war, war
Hey, let me take you back to 60 BC
It’s the start of the rise of Julius C
He grabbed two dudes and he formed a team
It’s a triumvirate -- that’s a group of three
“Crassus (come on), Pompey (come on), I’m JC! (come on)
We three will rule!
What you think I'm playin, baby girl?  I'm the man!
I'm conquering Gaul!”
All of his soldiers gave him their devotion
That’s why he swept over Gaul just like an ocean
Pompey couldn’t understand all the commotion
When he crossed the Rubicon, he kept up motion
It’s just like a potion
Caesar had self-locomotion
Power’s an ambitious emotion
Dictator is not a demotion
It’s promotion
But in 44 BC (BC)
On a day called March 15 (Ides of March)
Brutus and the Senate murdered Julius C
He hit the floor (he hit the floor)
Next thing you know
Caesar’s no more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more
You know he’s so depressed
23 stab wounds in his chest (in his chest)
He saw his friend and he raised one last protest (hey!)
Et tu, Brute?” (Et tu, Brute?)
That’s what he say
Cuz he felt low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Only eighteen, Octavian makin’ the scene
He says, “I tell you what,
Got a new triumvirate
Here’s my boy Lepidus
And Mark Antony I trust”
(‘Til Marky met this chick
Cleopatra from Egypt)
Octavian was freakin’
Lust for power started peakin’
“Don’t try to play me or my navy,
At Actium you won’t slay me”
“O” won that game
Did explain
Now Augustus was his name
All his subjects did proclaim
He’s in the Roman Hall of Fame
Twenty-seven BC (BC)
For a couple hundred years (207)
Pax Romana is the word that brings the cheers (Yay!)
They’re on a roll (they’re on a roll)
They built some roads
Leading to Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome
Slaves don’t have many rights and
Then there’s gladiator fightin’ (OW!)
People find the Circus Maximus excitin’ (hey!)
Blood on the floor (knee-deep in gore)
And now you know
All about Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome


  • Romans were militrary people-patriotic farmersoldiers
  • As romans secured position at home they began to reach out for territoires and allies
  • Romans had superior army
  • Romans generous to defeated enemies
  • They were given status of allies
  • They kept their laws, government systems, and armies but under Roman authority
  • Romans lacked good commanders, soldiers but they always had another army to take its place
    • colonists enjoyed rights of citizenship almost equal to citizens that lived in Rome itsel
  • By 250 B.C. all of Italy south of the river Po was under Roman command
  • Carthage came inot a collision with Rome because of the expanding
  • Carthage was founded around 700 B.C. by Phoenician colonists
  • Carthage had become an oligarchic and empire building republic similar to Rome
  • Spread infulences across Noreth Africa, southern Spain, Sardinia, Corisica, and Sicily
  • Interest in Sicily that brought them into collision with Romans
  • The most at stake was command of whole western Mediterranean
  • Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in three vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C. 
  • After warfare ROmae was able to force Carthage out of Sicily
  • In second phase Hannibal invaded Italy. defeated Roman armies and brought Rome to the brink of defeat
  • Roman allies brought troops from all over Italy to eventually over power Carthage 
  • After end of second Punic War Carthage was disarmed and helpless
  • Fearing a Carthage revival Rome provoked 3rd war in 146 BC and Carthage was captured after bitter fighiting
  • Senate ordered city to be leveled, people sold to slavery, and ground to be cursed
  • 202 BC Rome had control of the western Mediterranean
  • Carthage in Sicily, Spain and Africa became first Roman Provinces
  • not unlit 27 BC when Augustus came they began to share benefits of Roman Order
  • Conquest of mediterranean west meant enormous increase in bothresources and military power
  • from 500 BC to outbreak of Punic wars Romans had unified most of Italy in next 250 years
  • They spread their rule from eastern Mediterranean to the British ISeles
  • In Spain Rome first gained substantial foothold among peoples of barbarian Europe which they began to expand
  • Prospects were promising  for Hellensistic kingdoms, beggining to lose grip
  • Rome's first involvment was in Greece
  • around 200 BC ambassadors from various city states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting king of Macedonia who had been allied by Carthage
  • Romans replied by sending army because of admiration for Hellenic cultrue and greed
  • Proffessed aim was to secure liberties of proud and quarlesome Greek cities and then to withdraw
  • soon began to acitvely intervene in politics and conflicts of Hellensistic kingdoms
  • Romans carved one province after another out of eastern Mediterranean and made many a local ruler into a client king
  • By late first century BC they were supreme in the region
  • From GIbraltar to Jerusalem fell shadow of mighty Rome

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today Daniel and I made a pixton of the legend of Roma! It was very interesting to learn about this and I fully think we will receive a 25/25! LEGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
P.S. We had Ms. Deroba as our sub!
Link to comic

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

LO-1 Review

  • Romans like doing things like Greeks like doing it. They imitated and improved their methods especially government and welfare 
  • Roman most feared armed warfare of their time
  • In middle of peninsula (middle of mediterranean) (middle of world) middle of the earth high on hills on water
  • They thought it was perfect and given to them great location to lead and chosen to run the show
  • 3 people to settle Greece, were Latin Etreoscan and Greeks
  • 2 things to improve from Greeks was Government and Warfare
  • Started out as warfare and governemt started monarchy, but they wanted to be like Roman and they became Democracy like Greece, They have council of elders advise kings (the senate) (comes from sennex means old man from Latin) They then combined oligarchy and democracy to make Republic
  • King died senate would meet and decide who would lead, and would be some of their own to be the king did not have to be related to the previous one
  • Respublica - republic- means people business- from latin
  • Plebeian grows little stuff may keep grains to help feed family keep family and more money maybe
  • Patrician farmer has many people working for him and drinks a lot and fabulous foods and grows a lot of grains and sells for big big money


  • patricians: upper class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
  • Republic: in reference to ancient Rome, the system of city state government in which decision making power was shared between the Seanate and assemblies of male citizens
  • Plebeians- the Roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians
  • Senate: in ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed, by the king and under the Repulic by the consuls; originally all members were patricians but in time wealthy plebians were apppointed as well
  • Consuls: in the roman republic two senators who led the government and military for one year terms and appointed their own successors
  • dictator: in the roman republic a single leader with full decision making powers, appointed for a maximum six month term during times of emergency
  • tribunes: magistrates elected by the plebeians who eventually gained the power to initiate and veto laws
  • Client: aperson who provides personal services in return for money and protection from patron
  • patron: a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services
  • pontiff: in acnient rome one of the republics leading priests
  • Paterfamilias: the family father in ancient rome who had unlimited power over his househoold
  • Matron: title of honor given to a married woman in ancient rome
  • Hubris- Greek for arrogant 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Test study sheet

King Philip II of Macedon
Father of Alexander the Great
he kept many different wives
Was the King of Macedon
One of the best military minds
Trouble with Alexander
Mother of Alexander
Got along with Alexander unlike his father
Alexander convinced people he was the son of Zeus because he didn't like his father
Alex tamed horse
only one that coud train horse
Alexander's tutor
Alex was a bad student
Aristotle tutored Alex and taught him the following
Alex's favorite book was the Iliad and he would not go anywhere without it

King Phillip dies in 336 B.C.
He was assassinated by his own body guard, who was in love with him, and became jealous so he killed him
Bucephalus was Alex's horse
Bucephalus in Greek means "ox-head"
King Philip may have been assassinated by the Persian Empire
Alex took over at age 22
Alex faught against king Porus from India
Battle Guagamela 331 BC
Assakenai/ India Battle
Annapois where Bucepholus died
Alex may have died from the flu or infections, alcohol poisoning, poisoning
Alex had a son, Alexander forth, who was born after his death
Alex said that the strongest gets to be King next
All faught over who was going to be King and the empire got divided
Alexander was the first King of Asia
He conquered the Asia Minor, Syria, and Egypt
He ruled the largest empire - Macedonia
Roxana was one of Alex's wives more popular one

I also was absent from class the last day before break.