Friday, April 12, 2013


  • Romans were militrary people-patriotic farmersoldiers
  • As romans secured position at home they began to reach out for territoires and allies
  • Romans had superior army
  • Romans generous to defeated enemies
  • They were given status of allies
  • They kept their laws, government systems, and armies but under Roman authority
  • Romans lacked good commanders, soldiers but they always had another army to take its place
    • colonists enjoyed rights of citizenship almost equal to citizens that lived in Rome itsel
  • By 250 B.C. all of Italy south of the river Po was under Roman command
  • Carthage came inot a collision with Rome because of the expanding
  • Carthage was founded around 700 B.C. by Phoenician colonists
  • Carthage had become an oligarchic and empire building republic similar to Rome
  • Spread infulences across Noreth Africa, southern Spain, Sardinia, Corisica, and Sicily
  • Interest in Sicily that brought them into collision with Romans
  • The most at stake was command of whole western Mediterranean
  • Punic Wars were waged on land and sea in three vicious rounds between 264 and 146 B.C. 
  • After warfare ROmae was able to force Carthage out of Sicily
  • In second phase Hannibal invaded Italy. defeated Roman armies and brought Rome to the brink of defeat
  • Roman allies brought troops from all over Italy to eventually over power Carthage 
  • After end of second Punic War Carthage was disarmed and helpless
  • Fearing a Carthage revival Rome provoked 3rd war in 146 BC and Carthage was captured after bitter fighiting
  • Senate ordered city to be leveled, people sold to slavery, and ground to be cursed
  • 202 BC Rome had control of the western Mediterranean
  • Carthage in Sicily, Spain and Africa became first Roman Provinces
  • not unlit 27 BC when Augustus came they began to share benefits of Roman Order
  • Conquest of mediterranean west meant enormous increase in bothresources and military power
  • from 500 BC to outbreak of Punic wars Romans had unified most of Italy in next 250 years
  • They spread their rule from eastern Mediterranean to the British ISeles
  • In Spain Rome first gained substantial foothold among peoples of barbarian Europe which they began to expand
  • Prospects were promising  for Hellensistic kingdoms, beggining to lose grip
  • Rome's first involvment was in Greece
  • around 200 BC ambassadors from various city states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting king of Macedonia who had been allied by Carthage
  • Romans replied by sending army because of admiration for Hellenic cultrue and greed
  • Proffessed aim was to secure liberties of proud and quarlesome Greek cities and then to withdraw
  • soon began to acitvely intervene in politics and conflicts of Hellensistic kingdoms
  • Romans carved one province after another out of eastern Mediterranean and made many a local ruler into a client king
  • By late first century BC they were supreme in the region
  • From GIbraltar to Jerusalem fell shadow of mighty Rome

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