Saturday, April 20, 2013

Rome Explanation

• Latins important: first to give language,  first to come to Rome
• Estrucans and the Greeks also other 2 of first 3
• On the river in the middle, on an elevation so you can see everything, middle of penninsula(Thought chosen people)
• Tarquin last king of Rome, one of old school tryants Unfair, abused power, not just, hard guy
• Tarquin had son who raped a women who was good mannered and such, nobody came to womens defense and she committed suicide
• Decide to take power of regular people, power of rich, and power of tyranny
• Respublica: republic comes from: Latin for peoples affair, peoples job
• Republic combination of three types of government Democracy Aristocracy Plus Monarchy
• Arsitocracy: formed Senate; rich land owning powerful 300 of them own branch of government
• Assembly- tribunes:
• People demanded patricions tell everyone what the laws were
• Demanded 12 tables with all of the rules and punishments were laid out, publicly posted in forum
• Forum is roman agora
• They took years little by little they got more and more demands
• Rich people do not like to get rid of their power
• Monarchy: Consuls: there were 2 consuls; instead of it go through heritage; each consul can veto others; senate would pick 2 consuls; they were only there for 1 year; 10 years apart runs
• Senate in US modeled after Romans
• House of Reps. Is the Assembly
• Roman empire stuck around for so long because they had strong dominant military
• They were respected, feared, terrified people
• Roman Legion: Roman Army
• Legion: 4000-5000 people within for Roman Empire
• People joined army because they felt like it’s the right thing to do and they thought it was their responsibility
• They did not complain about serving
• People stopped wanting to do it for respect, but then they wanted pay
• The Greek falix is like the Roman
• 1/3 people in Rome were slaves
• No one wanted to mess with Romans they were fierce
• Punic: Phonecean adjective
• Rome beats Carthage in first war
Also our group has made our Rome song with the pictures on one note and we will show you on Mondays class.

• Sicili was little island in middle they were fighting for
• Hanibal carthage age 28 young blood, said if they can crush rome and take over then mediterranian
• They fight on sea
• They came the back way
• Hannibal almost pulled off most amazing underdog but the romans defended well
• Rome wins 2nd Punic war
• Rome decides Carthage was annoying and they swamped Carthage and killed many and enslaved survivors
• They annihilated the Carthaginians so utterly left nothing
• People lost a lot of the older men and women were left to do all the hard work

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